There is certainly something about fishing in freshwater that once you have given it a go will get under your skin and have you going back time and again to give it another shot.
Trout and redfin perch make up the majority of our freshwater fishing experience here in the west and is mostly limited to the southwest corner of the state. The trout fishery is primarily maintained as what is called a “put and take” fishery.
This refers to the fish being bred and reared in a hatchery and then “put” into dams and rivers for anglers to “take”. We have two types of trout, the most common is the rainbow trout, and the other is not stocked as heavily and is considered the prize species of the two and is the brown trout.
Redfin perch were released back in the late 1800s and have been here ever since. Redfin are not found in all waterways but the waterways that do have them are very popular locations to fish as they are very tasty to eat and offer a great by-catch when chasing trout.
Trout stocking takes place every year to replenish popular freshwater fishing rivers and dams. Trout are stocked in three discrete age classes. The biggest amount stocked is the fry.
These fish are about 3cm to 5cm and in most years the quantity is about 450,000 fish. These fish will take a couple of years to grow to legal size. The next size of fish released is the yearlings.
These fish are from eight to 12 months old which will range in size from about 20 to 25cm in length. These fish will become legal size in the year of release or the next year. The third type of fish released is the ex-broodstock, or the old breeding fish.
These are used for a year or two for their eggs and sperm and then replaced. Broodstock stockings, while very low, are big fish and are prized captures by those that manage to land them.
Not all suitable waters are stocked with trout. Water catchment dams used for supplying drinking water are not allowed to be used for fishing.
Rivers of high conservation value are also not stocked. One particular river is simply not stocked so that there can be a reference point for unstocked waters if we ever need to use it for any sort of analysis. This river is the Shannon River and should not be fished at all by anyone.
Freshwater fishing in WA requires you to hold a freshwater angling licence and has its own set of rules and regulations. The great news is freshwater fishing is now open all year round.
Each year about 10,000 people give freshwater fishing a go in WA. If you have not given freshwater fishing a go then maybe you should get out there and see what these 10,000 anglers are getting out there and experiencing.
Some tips to remember when freshwater fishing:
- Many streams are overgrown and are difficult to gain access to, be sure not to damage vegetation or river banks while trying to gain access.
- Consider other users who have also gone fishing to get away from the masses. If someone is already fishing an area, consider going somewhere else, waiting for them to finish or at the very least ask if they would mind if you fished in the area.
- WA is home to many poisonous snakes, overgrown wet areas are notorious for Tiger Snakes.
- Razor grass and blackberries are prolific around some southwest waterways, make yourself familiar with what they both look like and be aware that they can both cause painful injuries.
- Take plenty of water with you if you intend to go for any sort of long walk.
- Wear protective clothing. A long sleeved top and long pants are both highly recommended along with a hat and sunscreen.
- Remember to let someone know where you are going and when you intend to be home.

Click here for more information on freshwater fishing safety.
Fish Stocking Projects
Check out some of our articles on fish stocking projects to find out more about this important initiative:

World Class Fishery for Kununurra

Prawning Back to the Future

Latest Broome Barramundi Restocking
If you are keen to try your luck at freshwater fishing, here is a planned list of stocked waterways for 2024 to help you narrow down the most suitable location for a family outing, a holiday camping trip or maybe just a day trip.
Rainbow Fry 2024
Dirk Brook | 1,000 |
Nanga Brook | 2,500 |
Murray River | 2,500 |
Logue Brook | 5,000 |
Falls Brook (Harvey Dam) | 1,000 |
McKnoes Brook | 1,000 |
Drakesbrook Dam | 500 |
Brunswick River | 1,000 |
Collie River high | 2,000 |
Collie River low | 2,000 |
Carlotta Brook | 1,000 |
Nannup Brook | 1,000 |
St Johns Brook | 1,000 |
St Johns Barrabup Pool | 1,000 |
Upper Hesters Brook | 1,000 |
Balingup Brook | 1,000 |
Donnelley River – Pailings Road | 1,000 |
Donnelley River – Damper Gully Road | 1,000 |
Donnelley River – Scatter Road | 1,000 |
Beedelup Brook | 1,000 |
Record Brook | 1,000 |
Smith Brook | 1,000 |
Warren River | 4,000 |
Dombakup Brook | 1,000 |
Quinninup Brook | 1,000 |
Lefroy Brook | 2,500 |
Treen Brook | 2,500 |
Moons Crossing | 1,000 |
Collins Crossing | 1,000 |
Lower Eastbrook | 1,000 |
Total – 44,500
Rainbow and Brown Yearlings 2024
Location | Rainbow yearlings 2024 | Brown yearlings 2024 |
Preston River | 150 | |
Murray River | 700 | 700 |
Brunswick River | 120 | |
Collie River Gorge | 450 | 1,300 |
Donnelly River | 600 | 900 |
Warren River | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Lefroy Brook | 600 | 900 |
Blackwood River | 600 | |
Waroona Dam | 300 | |
Harvey Dam | 1,500 | 1,000 |
Logue Brook Dam | 300 | 500 |
McKnoes Brook | 100 | |
Drakesbrook Dam | 200 | 600 |
Wellington Dam | 1,600 | 3,400 |
Glen Mervyn Dam | 100 | |
Big Brook Dam | 200 | 1,000 |
Norilup Dam | 80 | |
Total | 8,600 | 11,300 |
Rainbow & Brown Ex Broodstock 2024
Location | Rainbow ex-broodstock 2024 | Brown ex-broodstock 2024 |
Drakesbrook Dam | 350 | 75 |
Waroona Dam | 350 | 75 |
Harvey Dam | 750 | 150 |
Big Brook Dam | 100 | 50 |
Warrem and Lefroy | 150 | 50 |
Total | 1,700 | 400 |