The Busselton Jetty is a legendary fishing spot, producing a wide range of species along its length.
Bread and butter species like herring, skippy and squid are most commonly caught, but bigger fare such as samson fish, mulloway, tuna and salmon also turn up at times.
The shallows around town can produce yellowfin whiting and herring, while you don’t need to go far offshore to find king george whiting and squid. The new artificial reef installed with the support of Recfishwest is already producing pink snapper, samson fish and skippy.
South west artificial reef locations. Click to enlarge.
It is a similar story around Dunsborough, which is also noted for being a hot spot when the salmon are running. Popular spots for encountering schools of salmon include Bunker Bay and Rocky Point, Point Picquet and Castle Rock, but the schools can turn up anywhere along this stretch. Offshore anglers target dhufish and pink snapper around structure.
North of Busselton, Peppermint Beach can be good for tailor, mulloway and herring.
Check out our fishing reports for plenty of up to date information and visit our Where to Catch page for more info on the best fishing spots Western Australia.

Artificial Reefs in WA
Artificial reefs in WA will complement Western Australia’s robust and adaptive fisheries management approach ensuring fish stocks remain sustainable. Find out more in our Artificial Reefs in WA article.