In the Swan and Canning rivers you’ll find good fishing year-round, but particularly in Summer when the water warms up.
Both rivers hold plenty of black bream to 45cm and some good spots to try for them include the Canning Bridge, Narrows Bridge, Causeway, Burswood and Maylands. In Winter, the jetties in the lower reaches can hold a lot of bream. Tailor numbers have been very good in recent years, especially around Nedlands, Applecross and Claremont.
Flathead, and to a lesser extent flounder, are well worth chasing in the shallows in the warmer months, again around Nedlands, Claremont, Applecross and East Fremantle. Acrobatic giant herring are another summer option, as are yellowfin whiting in the lower reaches of the Swan. Giant mulloway are often caught in Mosman Bay and around the E-Shed at Fremantle Wharf. The Narrows, Canning Bridge and Causeway are also worth a try for mulloway if there is bait around.
For more info on the best fishing spots in Perth and WA, visit our Where to Catch page.
Prawning is Back
Since 2013, 4 million western school prawns have been released in the Swan and Canning Rivers in a bid to bring recreational prawning back to Perth’s important estuary systems.
The project has received a positive response from the community, who can be seen prawning on the river most nights during summer.
For more information about freshwater replenishment projects, check out our Freshwater Stocking article.
If you’d like to know how to catch prawns, our How To Catch Western School Prawns has all the information you need.

Jetty, Set Go!
The jetties of the Swan and Canning Rivers are a great place to fish with the family. I Love Fishing have been busy profiling jetties in the Perth metropolitan area and the Canning River jetty profiles are coming soon but for now, be sure to check out our Swan River Jetties page so you can start planning your next adventure.
Local Species
Black Bream Fishing
Black bream is a highly prized staple in the Perth estuary system. They can be caught on just about any bait, including bits of bread, however artificial lures have grown in popularity and can make for some pretty exciting captures.
Want to know more about catching this iconic species? Check out our How To Catch Black Bream article before you head out.