Fishing Community Defends Fishing Fund

As promised, here’s an update on the issue we brought you on Monday regarding money missing from your fishing fund.

The news is positive. The community spoke and the government listened.

Within 24 hours Fisheries Minister Ken Baston confirmed his government’s commitment to dedicate 25% of your fishing licence fees to the Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund (RFIF), effectively reversing any cuts to the people’s fund.

Recfishwest is confident the government remains a strong supporter of recreational fishing and acknowledges they have a proven track record of delivering positive outcomes for fishing. We were pleased to also see support from WA Labor and the Shooters and Fishers Party.

We are disappointed it got this far, as through the RFIF your fishing fees are making great things happen.

Cutting funding to sustainability, conservation and enhancement projects that have been paid for by fishing families was never the right thing to do.

Recfishwest will continually work to ensure any cuts applied elsewhere within the Department of Fisheries do not affect the services most important to you, the community and sustainable fishing in WA.

We would like to thank the community for their overwhelming support including the many passionate recreational fishers who offered to take action.

The best way to prevent future governments attempting any raid on your fund is to ensure a strong voice and here’s how you can help:

If you believe in sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for you, your friends and your family then FORWARD this to someone else who shares your values and encourage them to connect with WA’s fishing community by joining a cast of thousands!

2017-01-13T14:03:47+08:00 June 1st, 2015|Categories: Community, News|