Wilber Street Jetty Rossmoyne

Wilber Street Jetty Rossmoyne 2017-01-13T14:03:53+08:00

Project Description

Wilber Street Jetty

Wilber Street Jetty is hidden in a quiet stretch of the Canning River called Bull Creek. It is accessed off Riverton Drive in Rossmoyne. Parking is all verge parking. There are no facilities around here except a kayak launching area not far away.

Fishing off this jetty is better on mid to high tides due to the shallow nature of the water in this area.

Most likely species to encounter here will be black bream and yellowtail grunter. You may also encounter cobbler here at night but please remember they are protected in the Swan and Canning Rivers and must be returned to the water immediately.


  • Easily accessible
  • Parking


  • Yellowtail grunter
  • Cobbler (Protected species)