1 July 2016 – North Coast Fishing Report

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Facebook Competition Winner

Competition Winners!

Recfishwest and Perth & WA Fishing Reports recently ran a competition on Facebook. All you had to do was tell us your fishing safety story, where you and/or your mates found yourselves in a sticky situation where some fishing safety equipment could have come in very handy, it was that easy! We’re thrilled with the response on a topic that is not always easy to talk about, but needs much more exposure to change behaviour toward safety, the responses were great from you all. We decided to pick 2 winners, 1 land based and 1 boat, considering WA’s recent boating tragedies. Congratualtions to our winners Stephen Bxaxa and Conrad Dalais, we hope you continue to be safe on the water and enjoy your new Fisher Safety Vest: Crewsaver 165N Sport.

Make sure you read their stories, click HERE.

Broome Catches

Broome Barramundi

Picture: Barramundi, a classic Broome catch (photo courtesy Broome Fishing Club)

Billfish enthusiasts have continued to encounter reasonable numbers of sailfish and small black marlin in waters straight out from town and wide of Barred Creek. Spanish mackerel and varieties of tuna have been caught on trolled lures in a range of depths and areas. A good mix of reef fish, including blue lined emperor, fingermark bream and coral trout have been coming from the 20 to 30m depths.

Good catches of bluebone have been caught in close. Shore-based and small boat fishers working the Roebuck Bay area have been doing well on threadfin and bluenose salmon. Mixed reports on barramundi have come from the Fitzroy River, which waters are hovering around 25C.
