Spring is the perfect time to hit the southern forests and try your hand at freshwater fishing.
The trout season opens on September 1 and that is a cause for celebration among the State’s dedicated band of freshwater anglers.
The heart of trout fishing in WA lies in Pemberton, home to the State’s historic trout hatchery and also located right among some of the best trout fishing waters on offer on this side of the country.
Spots like the Warren and Donnelly Rivers, Lefroy and Treen Brooks, and Big Brook Dam are some of the most productive for trout fishing in WA and add to the holiday appeal of the picturesque town for many anglers.
These aforementioned locations are among a healthy list of spots stocked with trout every year, including a mix of fingerlings, yearlings and ex-broodstock, all distributed by the hard-working staff at the trout hatchery in Pemberton.
There are some easily accessible spots around Pemberton, such as the stretch of the Lefroy which runs past the hatchery, Thompson’s Flats, Big Brook Dam and the Cascades, all of which produce some good rainbow and brown trout at times, as well as a few redfin perch.
The enterprising angler will also find more hidden gems nestled among the towering Karri trees, where the fishing pressure is less and the trout can be trophy fish by WA standards.One of the great things about fishing in around Pemberton in the Southwest is the scenery and the experience of casting into a clear stream bubbling its way through dense forest is a magical one for many, where catching something is almost a bonus.
Although they are not native to WA, trout have a long history in the state and indeed they are an important part of Pemberton’s history, with the hatchery having been a real community effort when it was founded.
Although trout are associated with fly fishing, lures and baits catch plenty of fish each year as well, and you need a freshwater fishing licence to fish for them.There are plenty of accommodation options around Pemberton, and some even have their own dams stocked with trout.
Freshwater Restocking Locations
Trout stocking takes place every year to replenish popular freshwater fishing rivers and dams.
To find out more about this important initiative and for a comprehensive list of release locations, check out our Freshwater Stocking article.
Local Species
Treen Brook Restoration
Treen Brook has long been one of the most popular feeder streams for the Warren River, however in recent years, the banks of the brook have suffered from erosion and washout preventing movement of trout and native fish upstream. Funded by a Recfishwest grant, significant remedial work has been completed on the brook and fish can now move past the washout area. With time, silt should deposit around the newly placed tree stumps reversing the erosion damage.
To read the story in full, check out our Treen Brook Restoration article.
Pemberton Trout
Pemberton is the trout fishing mecca of WA. If you’d like to find out more about how to catch this popular species, check out our How To Catch Guide for Freshwater Trout.