Giant Trevally

Giant TrevallyHow to Catch Giant Trevally

Rigs and Techniques

A good spinning rod and overhead reel with 20-40kg braid and up to 60kg mono leader is a good choice. The weight of the gear you use can vary, but the best advice is to not underestimate this fierce fighting fish- you don’t want a 40kg monster to break you off.

Picking the right spot is the key to a good giant trevally session; you want to look for shallow reef areas with large pockets of disturbed water and baitfish if they are around. However, some of the biggest fish are found in deeper water or around jetties. The best time to fish is at high tides or when the tide is coming or going and creating some current.

Some of the best giant trevally fishing is done using poppers and a ‘rip and sit’ slow retrieval that will create a big splash and then allow the rear of the popper to sink for a moment before continuing. Other techniques include minnow lures, leadhead jigs and live bait rigs.

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Other names

Caranx ignobilis, GT

WA Distribution

Found from the Northern Territory border in the north to Rottnest Island in the south (although few are found south of Shark Bay). Giant trevally are common around reef edges and drop offs and large fish prefer deep channels between large reefs while smaller fish are found on tidal flats and at the edge of shallow reefs.


Giant trevally can be confused with other species of trevally, however their eye is smaller than the bigeye trevally they are often confused with and they lack the cheek spot of this species. The giant trevally also has a steep forehead profile that is distinct. At larger sizes giant trevally form schools. While giant trevally can reach up to 60kgs, they are more often caught at between 5 and 20kg, with the smaller giant trevally being better eating fish.

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