6 May 2016 – North Coast Fishing Report

Broome Catches

Broome sailfish

Pictured: Sailfish (photo courtesy of Broome Fishing Club)

Sailfish are being encountered in better numbers south of town, however the waters west and northwest of town are expected to be frequented by more sails when water temperatures decrease. Reef fishing has been productive in Roebuck Bay with better numbers of coral trout, snapper, rankin cod and estuary cod about.

Queenfish to a metre and giant trevally are being found near Disaster Rock. Big schools of longtail tuna have been appearing off Entrance Point and Gantheaume Point. Live garfish and stick baits have been working well on spanish mackerel to around the 1.2m mark at the rocky headlands. Threadfin salmon continue to be caught in Roebuck Bay while shore-based fishers along there have been picking up some plump yellowfin whiting and good size bluenose salmon.
