4 March 2016 – Gascoyne Coast Fishing Report

Exmouth Catches


Pictured: Giant trevally

Crews who have been hitting up the gulf waters have reported there to be schools of longtail tuna about. Metal lures cast at the edge of the schools and retrieved flat out is an exciting method for targeting the speedsters. The tuna action is also being experienced off the west coast where quite a few yellowfin and striped tuna are being encountered.

Sport fishing enthusiasts have been hooking some nice giant trevally and the occasional red bass along the back of the west side reef. Whiting are starting to show up again along the coast, especially the gulf beaches. The marina is providing some entertaining light tackle sessions with quite a few small trevally, queenfish and estuary cod about.

Fish and Survive!

Now that we are seeing the first sign of the salmon run for 2016, Recfishwest reminds fishers and their families to Fish and Survive!

For information to keep you safe this season click here.

OR purchase your own life jacket for ONLY $89.95, delivered to your door click here.

The life jackets come in red, blue and navy blue.

